Attention Beginners and Intermediates: Give me just a few minutes each day and I'll show you how to build your own cash-producing opt-in list ... even on a shoestring budget!
At Last, Real No-Hype Facts On
List-Building ... Explained In Simple Layman's Terms By One Of The
World's Top
Email Marketing Experts!
Frustrated by all the hype? Don't understand all the marketing mumbo-jumbo?
Spending money with no results? Going nowhere fast?
Stop Wasting All Your Time, Effort And Money -- Let Me Show You How to Get The List You Want In About An Hour Each Day!
From: Jimmy D. Brown
Re: List-building for newbies
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wished that you could sit down for several hours
with a bonafide marketing expert and get them to explain list-building
in such a way that you could understand it ... do it ... and actually see results from it?
That's right, you and the expert sitting down at Starbucks® talking
over a couple of lattes until they finally closed the doors and forced
you to leave.
Wouldn't you really be able to "get it" if you could pick the brain of someone in the know, asking them question after question until everything was clearly laid out?
What an amazing shortcut that would be for you if it were possible, right?!
Of course, you want to build an opt-in list of "eager beaver" subscribers who are ready to fork over cash anytime you click the SEND MESSAGE button. You've been told since day one "the fortune is in the list".
But you're still waiting to add your name to the "success stories", right?
You've tried so many products and services you don't know who or what to believe anymore. More than anything else, you just want to start making money instead of spending it -- and you should!
Now, about that shortcut...
I'll Show You Step-By-Step How To Build
And Profit From Your Own Opt-In List No
Matter How Hard You've Tried Before...
While I can't feasibly fly in to your hometown to meet you at the local
coffee shop for a brainstorming session, the truth is something very
close to that kind of shortcut IS available.
I publish a private newsletter on the subject of list marketing to thousands of paying subscribers. A few months ago, we identified dozens
of the most frequently asked questions that members had about
list-building basics... and I answered them all in a step-by-step
training system that has previously been unavailable publicly.
It's very unlikely that you could think up a question about
list-marketing basics that wasn't covered in our training system.
However, if you do, just send it to me by email and I will personally
answer it in future free updates.
Now, I'm going to tell you all about this private training in just a moment.
is, quite literally, a step-by-step solution that takes you from
nothing to actually having a list with quality subscribers on it!)
And I'm going to make it available to you at such an inexpensive price
that you're going to grin like a kid in a candy store.
But, before we get to that -Why should you listen to me?
My name is Jimmy D. Brown and I've been very blessed to teach thousands
of marketers around the world how to build profitable opt-in lists.
Without bragging, here are just a few of my credentials...
I've been the featured list marketing speaker at some of the biggest and best conferences, workshops and seminars in the world. (Ex. Armand Morin's Big Seminar.) |
I've privately counseled some of the top "gurus" in the world and have received public testimonials from John Reese, Alex Mandossian, Paul Myers, Phil Wiley, Marlon Sanders, Armand Morin and MANY others. |
I've authored dozens of articles, reports and full-length products on the subject of list-marketing that have literally changed the lives of my clients. |
I've currently got more than 2,200 satisfied clients from around the world paying me MONTHLY to learn my list marketing techniques. |
If you want to know more about me, feel free to visit
and search for "Jimmy D. Brown" (with quotes) and you'll see hundreds
of thousand of page listings. I'm proud (in a good way) of my
reputation not only because of the accomplishments, but even more so
because of the integrity and honesty that I'm known for. I know you'll find that I am completely trustworthy.
I don't say any of this to brag.
I stopped worrying about impressing people back in college. I say this
to illustrate that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to
list-marketing. You don't have to take my word for it either...
Word From John Reese
The top guy in the industry
is without-a-doubt Jimmy D. Brown.
Jimmy wrote about some
email marketing tactics TWO YEARS AGO that
are just now being used by some marketers
Many of the names mentioned
as email marketing "gurus" borrowed
tactics and strategies from Jimmy D. Brown.
I, myself, have made a ton of money because
of what I learned from Jimmy.
Anyone who is truly serious
about making money from email marketing needs
to check out Jimmy's membership site at
The guy is a genius. Plain and simple.
Not to mention he's also
one of the nicest human beings you'll encounter
in your entire life.
-John Reese,
Fact number one: I've been doing this a while and have produced results that speak for themselves.
Fact number two: It doesn't really matter to you what I've been doing. What you want is to see results for YOU.
So, with that goal in mind -
Here's How To Put Fresh Subscribers Onto Any List
And Get Them To Do Business With You...
I mentioned earlier, I've identified dozens of questions about the
basics of list-building (from beginners and imtermediates who aren't
really seeing results) and I've answered them completely. And not just
"answered" them -- I've put things into a logical, step-by-step system
that anyone can follow.
It's the same basic system I've been using since 1999.
I call it The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™. .
P - PROMOTE your list.
R - REWARD the optin.
O - OFFER a proposal.
F - FIXATE attention.
I - INITIATE a response.
T - THWART the filters.
six steps hold the key to real internet wealth. If you can learn to
succeed at these six steps, then you can earn an unlimited amount of
you need to know about starting from nothing and actually making money
from your very own list is included in I call it The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™. Everything. And it's all laid out in simple, easy-to-follow steps...
1. DEVELOP a landing page.
need a special web page to send visitors to so they can join your list.
By using some very specific design elements and words that will help
increase your "opt-in rate" (the number of visitors to the page who
decided to join your list) you'll be ready to begin building your list.
2. DRIVE traffic to your landing page.
it's up and running, you'll want to get people actively and
intentionally (no tricks or schemes) visiting your landing page. A
percentage of them will join your list and offically become your
"subscribers". Congrats!
3. DETERMINE your offer.
you'll want to determine what you'll be promoting to your list. If can
be your own product or service, something you market as an affiliate or
even something you've purchased a license to sell. Anything that will
generate a profit for you if your subscribers decide to purchase it.
4. DECIDE upon a subject line.
likely aren't the only person who is mailing to your subscriber. Yuck,
you have competition! Fortunately, you'll be able to beat your
competitors. One of the key ways to do this is to decide upon an
attention-grabbing "subject line" for your mailing. Getting your
subscribers to notice your email message among the many others they are
receiving is a critical first step towards getting results.
5. DIRECT the response of your subscriber.
deciding upon a subject line, you'll want to craft the actual email
message that you'll be sending out. Sometimes this will be content-rich
(I.E. Will include an article, newsletter or other information) while
other times it will be promotional (I.E. Will strictly be an
advertisement). Most times it will be a combination of both. The key is
to get your subscriber to take action after reading your message.
6. DEFEAT the spam filters.
the most important part of the system is getting your email message
received and read by the subscriber. With spam filters, junk folders
and other hindrances at work wreaking havoc with deliverability, it can
be a challenge to get your mailings to your intended recipients. When
you do this, the effect and results are felt and seen immediately.
the system. Obviously, that's just an overview, but that's the system.
That's what I teach. That's what you'll soon be using.
And get this -
ALL "gurus" and other people who are successful at
list marketing are using this same system in some form.
To be sure, there are different techniques for each of the six components, but EVERYONE
who is successful with marketing through opt-in email lists uses the
same basic system that I reveal in this training. Everyone. There are no exceptions. It works for me.
It works for thousands of my clients. It works for "gurus". It works
for all others who are successfully profiting from email lists.
And it can work for you too…
I know, because it has worked for thousands of people just like you.
Yes, even beginners.
I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly - your situation is NOT hopeless.
The big problem is that people who are spinning their wheels in this
industry are doing so because they've been disillusioned and, in many
cases, deceived by shady characters.
Have You Been Force-Fed These Three List-Building Lies That Will Never Produce The Results You Want?
If you are seeing little or no results from list-building, it's likely
because of one or more of these three "lies" that are floating around
the internet marketing scene...
LIE #1 EXPOSED! - "It's All About Quantity, Quantity, Quantity."
let anyone ever tell you that all subscribers are created equal. They
aren't. There are two kinds of subscribers: quality and not-quality.
You DO NOT need to have tens of thousands or even thousands of
list members in order to make a significant amount of money. I have one
small list of under 700 subscribers that routinely pulls in $10,000+
with a single mailing. The truth is, it's all about quality, quality,
LIE #2 EXPOSED! - "It Can Be Achieved At The Push Of A Button."
me ask you a simple question: if you could simply push a button or sign
up for a service or join a program and everything just happened
"automatically" ... don't you think everyone would be doing it? A
quality list isn't built by launching a software program or logging
into a service and then just watching the totals grow larger and
larger. Whether you're building a quality list through joint ventures,
affiliate program, pay-per-click ads, solo mailings or any other
"tactic", it takes effort. Learn this: the quantity of your quality is
directly proportional to your investment of time.
LIE #3 EXPOSED! - "The Real Info Is Reserved For Those Paying Top Dollar."
How much do "secrets"
cost? If you look at the current trend, you'd have to say that it comes
at about $997.00 in the form of a bunch of CDs, DVDs and manuals, OR
it comes at about $97-$497 per month in the form of a membership. The
bad news is, that's not in most people's budgets. The good news is, it
isn't necessary to shell out the big bucks to access REAL information
on building and profiting from opt-in lists. In many cases, I've seen
$27 ebooks written by first-rate marketers have more useful content
than the higher-priced "home study courses". Don't be tricked into
thinking you gotta mortgage the house in order to figure this stuff
It's time for you to (finally)
see the results you desire without all the lies, loopholes and loot
that have been keeping you sidetracked in the past.
That's why you need to try something different…
Remember Cliffs Notes® From High-School?
Here's Your "Condensed Version" Of List-Marketing
With All The Important Stuff Included...
Every time I had a big test on Hamlet or Les Miserables or some other book I hadn't read past the title page, I would turn to those little yellow guides called Cliffs® Notes. Remember them? They were like a condensed version of the entire book - they mentioned all the "high points" - the important stuff - without making me read the entire thing cover to cover.
Well, this training is your own personal "crash course"
in list marketing. Instead of forcing you to sift through hundreds
(even thousands) of pages of content (only further distracting or
delaying you!), I've narrowed it down to a mere 94 pages.
And, even better than that, I've arranged things into short "lessons" so you only need to "read as you go" so you'll actually make progress.
But, don't be deceived: there is NOTHING left out!
In fact, let me just share a few things that are inluded in the
training you can access in less than five minutes from now. You'll
List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™ Highlights
Here's what you'll discover when you order today... |
- The
ONE and only "system" for making money with lists - that's right, every
successful list marketer uses this same basic system! Master these six
steps and you'll be on your way to six-figures! (Page 6)
- The
most important list-building decision you'll ever make - and how most
people are wasting money on traffic, ads and promotions because they
have overlooked this amazing principle. (Page 7)
- 5
simple ways to benefit from your list without becoming an "offer
harlot" -- instead of bombarding your list with "must have" offer after
offer, learn to maximize your most important asset without driving them
to the "unsubscribe" button! (Page 11)
- How
to automatically create a huge swipe file of successful email marketing
subject lines from the top marketers in the world, see how to apply
subject lines to niche marketers, spy on your competition's subject
lines and plug-in proven market research for your own subject lines ...
without spending a penny! (Page 13)
- My
#1 technique for getting my own subscribers to RESPOND to my mailings
and take action on the messages I send them ... and how you can put
this technique to work for you on your very next mailing! (Page 15)
- The
fastest way to begin promoting your list for free - you can literally
begin exposing your list to potential subscribers within 5 minutes!
Note: While you won't get an "explosion" of new subscribers, it IS a
way to get almost instant promotion for your list. (Page 20)
- How
to get a steady trickle of new subscribers by using "forum marketing",
including 2 ways to add 5-10 new subscribers to your list every single
day ... in a month's time that's up to 150-300 fresh list members
without spending a penny! (Page 20)
- 10
safe and simple ways to get new subscribers from your favorite forum,
including how to create the PERFECT response to questions so readers
head straight to your opt-in page to join your list! (Page 29)
- An
easy-to-follow (I.E. "newbie friendly!"), 7-step system for creating
your own "opt-in page" (AKA "squeeze page") for convincing as high as
75% of your visitors to join your list! Everything is broken down into
"bite-sized" steps. (Page 36)
cover a lot of information in these 94 pages, but I've intentionally
tried to make it as beginner-friendly as possible so anyone can put
these tactics into practice for successful list marketing.
Same thing goes for these things you'll find included...
- 7
opt-in triggers that get subscribers to join your list like crazy
including 8 simple ways to increase the "perceived value" of your list
+ the one thing that every single subscriber wants RIGHT NOW that can
convince them to instantly subscribe! (Page 44)
- One
of the most important lessons you'll ever learn about your list --
about your business! -- that most marketers never realize. It's the
difference between making money and making a LOT of money ... without
hype, deceit or a gazillion mailings! (Page 45)
- How
John Reese convinces people to join one of his lists by using Opt-In
Trigger #3 ... and how you can parlay this into new subscribers to your
own list by simply adding a few words to your opt-in page! (Page 47)
- 3
proven-effective ideas (along with examples) for targeting specific
demographics in your list-building for laser-precision results - plus
how this allows you to broaden your marketing and promotions to niches
not normally on your radar! (Page 49)
- 9
easy-to-use ideas for creating urgency so subscribers enter their name
and email address now (Page 52) + how to use "natural" urgency to get
an instant boost to your opt-in conversion rate! (Page 50)
- A
powerful and profitable way to make money from your list WITHOUT asking
your subscribers to buy anything ... this simple, 3-step system is one
of my most lucrative methods of getting others to generate revenue for
me! (Page 60)
- 6
"new" ways to use subject line personalization that virtually no one
has ever heard of before, including how to get the subscriber to take
"ownership" of your message! Note: There is MUCH more to personalizing
a subject line than the standard, "Jimmy, here's another message for
you to read" nonsense that most people use! (Page 68)
- How
to write mailings that get your subscribers to take action, including
the #1 "skill" you need as a list owner in order to generate results
from the messages you send to your list! (Page 72)
- 4
highly effective ways to get your emails past the spam filters and into
the inboxes of your subscribers ... it's simple math, the higher your
delivery rate, the higher your profit! (Page 80)
- 7
ways to take your list marketing to the "next level" of productivity
and profitability including 7 weekly list marketing activities to
complete and 10 ways to analyze your competitor's list marketing to
perfect your own! (Page 87)
Order Today And Receive Both The Text (PDF) And Audio (MP3) Versions Of The Course!
The ultimate guide to list-marketing for beginners and intermediates includes -
- A comprehensive user's manual. Your 94-page .PDF manual can be downloaded and printed and includes easy-to-follow instructions that are newbie friendly.
- Audio tutorials.
You'll also have instant access to the audio version of the course
which includes NINE (9) downloadable .MP3 files (over 2 hours of
rock-solid content!) that you can load to your iPod, burn to a CD or
listen to on your computer.
you beginning to see the value here? . It's a tremendous resource for
beginners and intermediates to use. But, I must warn you...
No Smoke And Mirrors Here.
But, No Magic Lamps Or Rabbitt's Feet Either.
thing you'll learn about me if you don't already know me is this: I'm
going to be honest with you. Even if that means you appreciate my
integrity but walk away without buying from me.
I'd much rather earn your respect that you money.
You'll find no "smoke and mirrors"
here. I'm not going to use flowery prose and psychological word
pictures to convince you to buy. That's not my style. What you see is
what you get. It's reality, not some illusion that I've conjured up to
get inside your wallet.
Having said that, this training is NOT for you if...
1. You want information you don't need.
training is not a "tell all". It's not an encyclopedia. It's not the
only list-marketing resource you'll ever need. It's a starting point.
It's what you need in order to start, strengthen and sustain a list.
I'm not about to throw in dozens upon dozens of different techniques
just to add more "thump" to the offer. I'm going to give you exactly
what you need to see results. Any added stuff will only distract you at
this point. In other words, I'm going to share 3 ways to get your
emails delivered, not 27 ways. Listen to me carefully: you do NOT need
"information overload"!
2. You anticipate results without work.
you are one of those people who expect to build a quality list without
investing your time and effort into it, then don't waste either of our
time. Just walk away now and don't order. However, if you are someone
who is willing to follow instructions and spend an hour or so each day
working on your list marketing, this is for you! I've used the analogy
many times: there are only two ways to get to the top of an oak tree.
One is to climb it. The other is to sit on an acorn and wait. If you're
a waiter, it's time to leave. If you're a climber, it's gonna be a
pleasure doing business with you.
3. You have unrealistic expectations.
you expect to get thousands of subscribers in the next week, it's time
to lower your sights. How many subscribers can you expect? I don't
know. There are so many factors involved that I'd have to be a math
whize to calculate it. I honestly don't care about "numbers" in terms
of how many subscribers are on a list. I only care about the results
shown in profit earned. That's why I teach it like I teach it: that a
quality subscriber is worth 100X a non-quality subscriber. What I'm
going to teach you is how to make money even if you only have 50
subscribers on your list. I'm going to educate you on a process that
you will be able to multiply thousands of times over during the months
and years of list-building to come for you.
If you're a stand-up guy (or gal!), then let's put this to work for you...
The Magical Equation:
Information + Application = Value
How much is The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™
worth to you? It's really hard to say. How much is an education worth
to a surgeon? How much is training worth to an airline pilot? How much
is information worth to a stock investor?
It's "worth" whatever you get from it. Only when information and application are added together does it create true "value".
I can tell you that similar content sells for $97.00 - $497.00. I've
actually seen one course with similar information selling for $997.00.
But, like I said earlier, you don't
have to pay top-dollar for quality information. So, because I have
other courses available that I'd like you to consider purchasing down
the road sometime, I'd like to "prove" myself to you and win your trust.
It's for this reason that I've decided to sell
the course to you for a mere $37.00.
But there's more because you'll also get...
4 FREE Bonuses For Ordering Now:
Free Bonus Gift #1:
Squeeze / Opt-In Page HTML Template .
receive a free copy of my own proven-effective "squeeze" page (opt-in
page) HTML template which you can modify and load to your own site to
begin building your own list. Instead of buying pricey squeeze page
software programs, simply make a few changes to this HTML template and
you'll have a customized page to collect opt-in leads. |
Free Bonus Gift #2:
10 Ready-Made, Fill-In-The-Blank Subject Line Templates.
also receive a pack of subject line templates, along with complete
examples on how to use them. Instead of trying to craft the perfect
subject line to get the attention of your subscriber, simply plug in
your details into the ready-made template and insert it into your
mailing system. |
Free Bonus Gift #3:
How To Triple Your Opt-In Rate.
this special report you'll discover how to scientifically use capture
boxes in your site's salesletter or content pages in order to get more
people to join your lists. It's another technique (in addition to the
"landing page") for collecting permission based subscribers. |
Free Bonus Gift #4:
Quickview Checklist
In this short, 10-page file you'll have
a quick "overview" look at the entire system in a brief "checklist"
style presentation. Print this report out to mark your progress and
stay on track in achieving the steps of the system. |
Together these 4 free bonuses are worth more than 20X your investment in the The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™ -- but they're all yours absolutely free when you order today.
If You Don't Make Your Purchase Price Back
Within 30 Days, I'll Let You Keep It For Free!
Can I help you start your own list and make money from it? I'm convinced that I can, but I want you to be convinced too.
The only way to find out is to try everything in my program out entirely at my risk. The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™
comes with a 100% no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. I
personally guarantee that you'll see results from using it.
In fact, I'll make this bold guarantee: if you follow the instructions in this course and don't make at least your $37.00 investment back in your first 30 days, I'll let you keep the entire course for free.
If it doesn't at least pay for itself, you won't pay for it either!
All you have to do is TRY
it for 30 days (that is, you gotta do something ... don't just order it
and let it set there gathering dust!) and if it hasn't brought in
$37.00, I'll refund your transaction and you get to keep the course
just for trying.
There is absolutely no way that you can lose - except by not taking me up on this risk-free examination of The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™.
Download The Audios, PDFs and Bonuses Now! |
Click Here for an instant download of this course.
Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download everything along with your FREE Bonuses.
It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 am in the morning!
will be downloading and learning from this breakthrough information
within just a few minutes... and using it to master list-building. 
Order Online By Safe, Secure Server
Here to Order Now!
HERE to Order "The List P.R.O.F.I.T. System™"
Every effort has been made to accurately represent
this product and its potential. Please remember that
each individual’s success depends on his or her
background, dedication, desire and motivation. As
with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee
that you will earn any money.
Disclaimer | Terms
Of Service | Earnings Disclaimer | Privacy Notice
Jimmy D. Brown
P.S. This is the closest thing you can get to an actual "set down",
one-on-one meeting with a list marketing expert without spending
hundreds or even thousands on a personal consultation. I've answered
all your questions before you've even asked them! The only thing left
for you to do is put the system to work for you. Click Here to order. |